EB_Profiler, v2.2

Technology No. CP02760

EB_Profiler, v2.2 is a LabVIEW program which uses computed tomography to determine the power distribution in the beams of electron beam welders.  It requires that the National Instruments LabVIEW Run-Time Engine be installed.  The program takes in beam profile data from a data acquisition device or from a data file.  Beam parameters necessary for calculations are entered by the user or automatically extracted from header information in the data file.  The result is a two-dimensional reconstruction of the power distribution in the beam.

  • swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (1)
    Alan T. Teruya
  • swap_vertical_circlelibrary_booksReferences (1)
    1. A. T. Teruya, J. W. Elmer and D. W. O'Brien (1991), A System for the Tomographic Determination of the Power Distribution in Electron Beams," The Laser and Electron Beam in Welding, Cutting, and Surface Treatment State-of-the-Art 1991, Bakish Materials Corporation, 125
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (4)
    Product brochure
    EB_Profiler, v2.2.pdf
    MIT License
    MIT License.pdf (86 KB)
    Notice.pdf (62 KB)
    EB_Profiler, v2.2
    EB_Profiler,_v2.2.zip (3 MB)
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