NEC, v5.0
NEC v5.0 models the electromagnetic response of antennas and scatters consisting of wires and conducting surfaces. Input commands can generate a number of wire and surface shapes that can be combined for complex models. Excitation can be voltage or current sources or incident plane waves. Models can be above or buried in a homogeneous ground and can include impedance loads, networks and transmission lines. Output can include model currents, radiation patterns and near E and H fields.
Antennas are a foundational component of our global communication
and information systems. Cell phones, Wi-Fi networks, and
satellite links couldn’t exist without them. LLNL scientists,
Gerald Burke, Andrew Poggio, and Edmund Miller created the
Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC), an antenna modeling system
for wire and surface antennas. As computer capability to handle
heavy calculations increases, new versions of the code have been
released. NEC has been the most licensed technology in
LLNL’s software portfolio, and the most widely used code for
analyzing antenna performance. NEC v5.0 is the latest version of
LLNL’s decades-long successful NEC antenna modeling software
NEC v5.0 models the electromagnetic response of antennas and
scatters consisting of wires and conducting surfaces. Input
commands can generate a number of wire and surface shapes that
can be combined for complex models. Excitation can be voltage or
current sources or incident plane waves. Models can be above or
buried in a homogeneous ground and can include impedance loads,
networks and transmission lines. Output can include model
currents, radiation patterns and near E and H fields.
For a more detailed comparison of NEC-4 and NEC-5 please review
the NEC 5 Validation Manual.
LLNL is now providing an update to NEC-5 provided by Roy
Lewallen. A special thanks to Roy Lewallen for his long support
of NEC and for providing our user community with updates. Dan
Maguire also made major contributions in identifying and
extensively testing and verifying the improvements.
Improvements to the command line NEC-5 program in the updated
package consist of corrections of several serious bugs involving
current sources and MININEC type ground among others. Corrections
to the command line NEC-5 program address the following
Incorrect gain was reported when using current
- Near field and surface wave results were incorrect when using MININEC type ground.
- Inhibiting Sommerfeld ground file writing by specifying NOFILE as the file name caused a crash.
- An internal array dimension (NETSOLMAXX in SUBROUTINE ALLOC_NETWORK_SOL) wasn’t large enough and could cause a crash under some conditions.
- Errors could occur or the program crash if any NT or TL port was placed at end 1 of a segment.
Existing NEC 5.0 licensees can now download the updated command
line program files via the download site provided at the time of
your license. The updated files are contained in a separate file
package to preserve the original NEC 5.0 authored by Jerry Burke
and referenced in the LLNL NEC 5 Validation Manual.
LLNL continues to seek qualified distributors who are interested
in maintaining and supporting NEC. Companies interested in
commercializing NEC can contact
U.S. Federal Government User: Free (contact for licensing info)
LLNL continues to provide NEC 4.2 by request.
swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)NEC5 SummaryNEC4_NEC5 Summary.pdf (43 KB)DOWNLOADAdditional files may be available once you've completed the transaction for this product. If you've already done so, please log into your account and visit My account / Downloads section to view them.