Cheetah, v10

Cheetah, v10 thermochemical code is available for U.S. government and authorized U.S. government contractors

2 licensing options
DINR, v1.0 (Distributed Implicit Neural Representation)

The software does 4D time-space reconstruction of dynamic objects scanned using X-ray computed tomography (CT).

1 licensing option

EB_Profiler, v2.2

NEC, v4.2

7 licensing options

The Alloy Optimization Software

5 licensing options
Livermore Tomography Tools (LTT)

Livermore Tomography Tools (LTT) is a modern integrated software package that includes all aspects of CT modeling, simulation, reconstruction, and analysis algorithms based on the latest research in the field.

6 licensing options
LLNL-SCDC (LLNL Surface Complexation Database Converter)

SCDC is a R-based script that creates a unified dataset of surface complexation experimental data with respective parameters and results

1 licensing option
L-SURF (LLNL Surface Complexation-Ion Exchange Database)

The L-SURF code provides a new, alternative approach to simulate metal-mineral interactions.

1 licensing option
STEP File Tensor Generation

MBD captures the complete specification of a part in digital form and leverages (at least) the universal STEP file format.

1 licensing option
SLMKIT (The Structured Light Metrology Toolkit)

The Structured Light Metrology (SLM) Toolkit, or 'SLMkit', includes tools for simulating and optimizing the performance of structured light scanners (such as the GOM ATOS Q).

1 licensing option

Autopack is an open-source python tool that enables the automatic labeling of packing motifs for large and chemically diverse datasets of molecular crystals.

1 licensing option
NEC, v5.0

NEC v5.0 models the electromagnetic response of antennas and scatters consisting of wires and conducting surfaces. Input commands can generate a number of wire and surface shapes that can be combined for complex models. Excitation can be voltage or current sources or incident plane waves. Models can be above or buried in a homogeneous ground and can include impedance loads, networks and transmission lines. Output can include model currents, radiation patterns and near E and H fields.

9 licensing options
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